January 1 – 31, 2009
Susan Aurinko’s (bio) FLATFILEgalleries and Laurie R. Glenn’s Th!nkArt, Wicker Park’s contemporary art and policy salon, together will host French Kiss & Karma: A Mélange of Contemporary Art from France and India in January 2009 in both spaces. The innovative, bi-gallery exhibit will feature contemporary art, works on paper, photography, sculpture, slates, music, and video from leading contemporary artists from both countries including: Neha Vedpathak, Prabir Purkayastha, Alexandra Leowe, Lucien Clergue, Alison Harris, François Weil (bio), Michel Haas (bio), Todd Narbey (bio), Nicolas Kennett (bio), David Gista (bio), James Coignard (bio), Pierre Marie Brisson (bio), Herve DiRosa (bio), Florent Moutti (bio), Jean Pierre Pincemin (bio), Emmanuelle Renard, Monique Tello (bio), and Franck Rapp. All artists will be exhibited at both galleries with separate works, allowing patrons to have two integral yet different experiences of the same show.
The show debuts with opening vernissages on Friday, January 9th, 2009, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at FLATFILEgalleries (217 North Carpenter Street, Chicago IL) and on Thursday and Friday, January 15th and 16th, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Th!nkArt Salon (1530 North Paulina Street, Suite F, Chicago, IL), and continues through February 13th at FLATFILEgalleries and February 28th at Th!nkArt. Related artistic and cultural events will be programmed throughout the month-long exhibition, with information posted to the Th!nkArt website as available at www.thinkartsalon.com.